Kamalapur to Joydebpur Train Schedule Tomorrow

Kamalapur to Joydevpur Train Time Table Ticket and Fare : Joydevpur Railway Junction Station is a railway station located in Gazipur Sadar Upazila of Gazipur District. Due to the development of various industries including garments, Gazipur has become one of the most important industrial areas of Bangladesh. Kamalapur to Joydevpur Train Schedule

Kamalapur to Joydebpur Train Schedule Tomorrow 2023

The Jaidebpur Railway Junction Station has been playing an important role in maintaining the connectivity of the region with other parts of the country for a long time. Many trains, including one intercity, run from the station to various stations in the country including Dhaka. kamalapur to joydebpur train schedule

Kamalapur to Joydevpur Train Schedule and Fare

Some unknown information for those who travel from Dhaka's Kamalapur to Joydevpur or airport train.

Due to the increasing traffic congestion of Dhaka city and the construction of flyovers on some of the most important roads of Dhaka, the roads have become narrow, as a result of which, traveling by bus is very costly and time-consuming for those of us who are long-distance employees of Dhaka city. Especially for those who go to Motijheel to Uttara/Tongi/Gazipur for office or idle trade.

I myself am a traveler of this path, traveling on this path for 3 years. So let me give some information for everyone: Kamlapur to Joydevpur train schedule 


Read More: Girl Patano's romantic words and poems 

B. Dr. –

(The inter-city train will stop at the airport station only after Dhaka station)

Local Train – Tejgaon / Banani /

Approximate travel time from Kamalapur, Dhaka to Cantonment / Airport

Kamalapur to Joydevpur Train Schedule

Morning : You will get at least 3 trains (inter city) between 7 am to 8 am.

• There is Karnaphuli Express at 8:20 which stops at all stations from Dhaka to Airport (except Banani) which is complicated for those who want to go to DOH.

• Get “Rangpur” express at 9 AM for those whose office will be complicated from 10 AM.

Don't abuse me as the timings of all trains are not always correct.

Ticket system:

You can buy tickets for your destination from the counter before departure, without any complications.

Fare: (Inter-city train – 30 taka. Dhaka to airport

Local train – 6 taka.

Kamalapur to Joydevpur Train Fare

Bangladesh Railway provides monthly tickets from Dhaka to Airport.

Any train - whenever - from where you want (Dhaka to Airport) can get on and off. Price - 1000 rupees.

Local train monthly ticket: 300 taka.

Available at counter number 18-19 of Kamalapur between 1st-5th of every month.

Of course take 2 copies of photos while going. 

kamalapur to joydebpur train schedule

Steal system:

If you can enter Kamalapur through any loophole, you can get on any train, only if someone takes you for a ticket on the train, you will hand over 10 taka, all sizes!!


If you are caught in the mobile court, you will have to pay a high price.

I am a new blogger: if you like the writing, don't forget to encourage. 

Read More: Girl Patano's romantic words and poems 

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